27 October 2008

Economy and the Job Market

As a senior in college, graduating in about 7 months, it makes me very nervous that the job market is suffering. I've started looking for jobs and internships and I've found it very difficult to locate any entry-level jobs pretty much anywhere. Everything I've been able to find wants at least 2 years of experience. I'm not sure how I'm supposed to gain the experience I need to get a job when there aren't any jobs for me to gain that experience.

It's just frustrating.

I spoke with my cousin's wife and she said that since the economy is suffering right now, companies and organizations aren't hiring PR specialists because they think they can do their PR-related tasks themselves. She recommended I find an internship somewhere I'd like to work and try to get my foot in the door that way. So, I will probably end up getting a post-graduate internship and hopefully that will lead me to a full-time position after that.

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